Explore the great outdoors with DOGN. Both you are your dog will benefit from regular exercise outside. The new web3 lifestyle of earning passive income to spend quality time with your four-legged friend. Whether its urban-exploring in the city or getting out to the countryside, plug in your NFT and earn. As we expand the ecosystem so will the partnerships and brands that we work with. Our in built web store will feature many products including the adorable GPS dog collar.
Plug - Walk - Earn : DOGN.
Website release
Whitepaper release
KAHUNA Smart Contract Deployment
Telegram launch
Twitter launch
Listing on Uniswap
CoinGecko listing
CoinMarketCap listing
Community contests & Giveaways
UI & UX Creation
Creation of KAHUNA move to earn App
Genesis NFT series release
Listing NFTs on Opensea
NFT staking release
First buyback & burn round
Smart Contract Audit
First CEX ListingMarketing Campaign
Press releases
Dual tracker System - Test Phase
KAHUNA SocialFi - Test Phase
Daily/Weekly challenge release
Partnership with Sport Brands
Listing in Top tier CEX
Bridge to BSC
Certik Audit
Dual tracker System - Release
SocialFi - Release
World Tournament
Whitepaper V2
More to come!